Why are ethics so important when it comes to project management?
If you Google project management, or attend a seminar about the subject, you’ll find the topic centers around project performance, teams, stakeholders, workflow, collaboration, communication, monitoring and methodologies. In fact, the internet is full of content related to project methodologies.
We always hear the terms: project charter, project roadmap and project strategy. Very few (or almost none) focus on trust, ethics, appropriate behavior and the moral dimension in the decision-making process for the success of any project.- despite the large number of articles focussing on leadership.
Project management ethics is an essential ingredient while managing projects. According to the PMI (Project Management Institute), “Ethics is about making the best possible decisions concerning people, resources and the environment. Ethical choices diminish risk, advance positive results, increase trust, determine long term success and build reputations.Leadership is absolutely dependent on ethical choices”.
In the January issue of PM Network, Michel O’Brochta (PMP and chair of PMI Ethics Member Advisory Group) states that “Ethics lead to trust, which leads to leadership, which in turn leads to project success.”

(The 4 steps to ethical decision process)
Read the full post on the Planisware website today.