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Sage: The 50 Experts Who Have Helped Shape The Government’s Covid-19 Response

Chris Whitty

The Government has published a list of experts who have attended its Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) meetings to help shape its response to the coronavirus pandemic.

While 50 participants agreed to have their names published on the list, two refused, the Government said.

Here is the list of published names who provided input during one or more Sage meetings:

– Sir Patrick Vallance, Government chief scientific adviser

Chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance (Jonathan Brady/PA)

– Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser at the Department of Health and Social Care

– Professor John Aston, chief scientific adviser at the Home Office

– Professor Wendy Barclay, Imperial College London

– Professor Phil Blythe, chief scientific adviser at the Department for Transport

– Professor Ian Boyd, University of St Andrews

– Professor Andrew Curran, chief scientific adviser at the Health and Safety Executive

– Dr Gavin Debrera, Public Health England

– Professor Sir Ian Diamond, national statistician at the Office for National Statistics

– Professor Yvonne Doyle, medical director at Public Health England

Coronavirus – Sun Apr 12, 2020
Medical director at Public Health England Professor Yvonne Doyle (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

– Professor John Edmunds OBE, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

– Professor Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust

– Professor Neil Ferguson OBE, Imperial College London

– Dr Aidan Fowler, National Health Service England

– Professor Julia Gog, University of Cambridge

– Dr David Halpern, behavioural insights team at the Cabinet Office

– Dr Jenny Harries OBE, deputy chief medical officer

Coronavirus Downing Street
Deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries (Yui Mok/PA)

– Dr Demis Hassabis, personal capacity as a data scientist

– Professor Peter Horby, University of Oxford

– Dr Indra Joshi, NHSX

– Professor Dame Theresa Marteau, University of Cambridge

– Professor Dame Angela McLean, chief scientific adviser at the Ministry of Defence

– Professor Graham Medley, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

– Professor Andrew Morris, University of Edinburgh

– Professor Carole Mundell, chief scientific adviser at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

– Professor Cath Noakes, University of Leeds

– Dr Rob Orford, Welsh Government

– Professor Michael Parker, University of Oxford

– Professor Sharon Peacock, Public Health England

– Professor Alan Penn, chief scientific adviser at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

– Professor Stephen Powis, national medical director of NHS England

Coronavirus – Mon Apr 27, 2020
National medical director at NHS England Stephen Powis (Pippa Fowles/10 Downing Street/Crown Copyright/PA)

– Dr Mike Prentice, NHS England

– Osama Rahman, chief scientific adviser at the Department for Education

– Professor Venki Ramakrishnan, chair of the DELVE committee, convened by the Royal Society

– Professor Andrew Rambaut, University of Edinburgh

– Professor Tom Rodden, chief scientific adviser at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

– Professor Brooke Rogers OBE, Kings College London

– Dr James Rubin, Kings College London

– Professor Calum Semple, University of Liverpool

– Dr Mike Short CBE, chief scientific adviser at the Department for International Trade

– Dr Gregor Smith, Scottish Government chief medical officer

– Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, University of Cambridge

– Professor Jonathan Van Tam MBE, deputy chief medical officer

– Professor Russell Viner, University College London

– Professor Charlotte Watts, chief scientific adviser at the Department for International Development

– Professor Mark Walport, UK Research and Innovation

– Professor Mark Woolhouse, University of Edinburgh

– Professor Lucy Yardley, University of Bristol

– Professor Ian Young, Northern Ireland Executive

– Professor Maria Zambon, Public Health England

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